생활 공부/IT 공부

유니티 to 윈도우8.1 and 윈도우폰 포팅 가이드

페이퍼스터디 2014. 5. 18. 15:09


유니티 윈도우 사이트


유니티 윈도우 포팅 세션

Building Your First Windows Game with Unity


유니티 윈도우 포팅 포스트

Why and how to Port your Unity game to Windows and Windows Phone


유니티 윈도우 포팅 강좌

Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone (MVA)


국내 유니티 윈도우 스토어 포팅랩 자료 공유





Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (01) Getting Started



Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (02) Things to Consider When Porting



Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (03) Dealing with a Dual Runtime Environment



Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (04) Supporting Windows 8.1



Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (05) Supporting Windows Phone



Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (06) Using Splash Screens


Porting Unity Games to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone: (07) Live Tiles

