단어를 입력하는 저로써도 공부가 많이 된답니다^^ 열심히 합시당~
26. After the run, I had an ache in my legs.
After the run, my legs were aching.
달리기 후, 다리가 아팠다.
▶ ache = It is usually either as a verb or in compounds with tooth, ear, head, back, stomach.
보통 동사로 쓰이거나 나열된 명사와 복합명사로 쓰임.
27. I am interested in the way people act towards each other.
I am interested in the way people behave towards each other.
나는 사람들이 서로를 대하는 행동에 관심이 있다.
▶ When you are talking about what someone does on a particular occasion, act and behave are
누군가 특별한 경우에 한 일에 대해서 말할 땐 둘 다 사용가능.
behave = When you are talking generally about what someone does or what people do, use it.
누군가 한 것에 대해서 일반적으로 얘기할 땐 behave를 사용.
28. He refused to accept responsibility for his acts.
He refused to accept responsibility for his actions.
그는 그의 행동에 대해 책임지는 것을 거절했다.
▶ act = It is usually used when you want to comment on a particular thing that someone has done.
주로 누군가 행했던 특별한 것에 대해서 언급하고 싶을 때 사용.
action = When you are talking about someone’s general behavior, use it.
누군가의 일반적인 행동에 대해서 얘기할 때.
29. The actions that we do everyday are made easier by computers.
The things that we do everyday are made easier by computers.
우리가 매일 하는 일이 컴퓨터 덕분에 좀더 쉬워지고 있다.
▶ Do and action cannot be used together. Use do + things/something/anything etc
연어이므로 외웁시당^^
30. It is difficult to forgive those responsible for actions of terrorism.
It is difficult to forgive those responsible for acts of terrorism.
테러 행위에 대해 책임이 있는 것들은 용서하기 힘들다.
▶ an/the act of (doing) sth (NOT action)
하나의 덩어리로 외우세요.
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