영어 공부/영어작문 팁


페이퍼스터디 2013. 5. 13. 21:31

11. I would like to continue my studies in abroad.

     I would like to continue my studies abroad.

     나는 유학을 계속하고 싶다.


12. It’s a pity that you were absent from the training session.

     It’s a pity that you missed the training session.

     It’s a pity that you weren’t at the training session.

     당신이 연수 과정에 참석하지 않아 유감이다.

be absent = not be present at something that you are officially supposed to attend

     공식적으로 참석하기로 되어 있는 곳에 참석하지 않은

    miss = not be present at something

    be at = be present at something


13. It is absolutely important that you see a doctor immediately.

     It is very important that you see a doctor immediately.

     It is absolutely essential that you see a doctor immediately.

     당신은 즉시 병원에 가는 가장 중요하다

With adjectives which do not have a strong meaning, use very or extremely

If you want to increase the strength of these words(which already have a strong meaning), use absolutely.

 일반적인 형용사 앞에는 very, extremely // 이미 강한 의미를 가진 형용사 앞에는 absolutely, completely를 써라. (very tired // completely exhausted)


14. The company will not accept to buy new machines.

     The company will not agree to buy new machines.

      그 회사는 새로운 기계를 구입하는데 동의하지 않을 것이다.

accept = accept someone’s advice, opinion, or suggestion

     누군가의 충고, 의견, 제안 등을 받아들이다.

    agree = say you are willing to do something

     기꺼이 어떤 것을 하겠다고 말하다.


15. The driver did not accept me to get on the bus.

     The driver did not allow me to get on the bus.

     그 운전기사는 내가 버스 타는 것을 허락하지 않았다.

You allow/permit someone to do something, or let them do it.

      accept 3형식으로만 쓰임. 그래서 여기선 5형식으로 쓸 수 있는 단어를 선택해야 된다.


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